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Anchor Bowmen Archery Club News

A guide to secureing bosses

Documents/Guides, Equipment Posted on Sat, August 01, 2015 17:10

After witnessing a boss collapse and the destruction of a couple of half sets of arrows at a tournament the other week I tried in vain to locate any good guidance on how to secure a boss. In particular Archery GB stated that they did not have any guidance material available.

I have had a first attempt to create a guidance document that we can offer to Archery GB as the basis for standard guidance.

Please have a look and let me know what you think.

I went for the highly illustrated approach.

Andy Harrison – Equipment Officer

Useful documents from Belvoir Archers

Documents/Guides, General Posted on Sat, August 01, 2015 17:01

Belvoir Archers (Nottinghamshire) have kindly provided permission for us to ‘borrow’ the following documents for our use.

Firstly a document that describes the rounds, handicaps and various award schemes that are available to us. Note that some of these (Rose and FITA star awards etc) require you to shoot the qualifying score in recognized tournaments.

The second document is a very well put together guide to what to expect when you go to your first ‘away’ tournament. This would have been really useful before I attended my first event!!

Have a read and I hope you find it informative.

Andy Harrison – Equipment Officer

Beginners equipment buying guide

Documents/Guides, Equipment Posted on Wed, October 08, 2014 00:02

In preparation for the latest batch of beginners approaching the end of their 10 week course I have been working on a beginners guide to buying archery equipment that I wish I could have had access to a couple of years ago.

The attached draft has been updated after review by a few people in the club (thanks for your constructive comments). Its now close enough to right to be ready for an initial issue. Please feel free to use it if you find it of value or ignore it if not.